Clothing is most powerful when we dress for ourselves.

notebook writing on fashion

I’m in the middle of writing and editing the first chapter of the book, and it feels like that’s where all of my words are going. So I flipped through my notebook and stumbled on this.

In case you can’t read my scribbling:

I believe that clothing matters, style matters, and fashion is the most intimate signifier of culture.

I believe all clothing is a costume, and all costumes are indicators of identity.

I believe how we dress matters. I believe it influences & indicates how we see ourselves, even when we don’t think it does. So changing our clothes changes how we see ourselves and therefore changes how other people see us.

Clothing is most powerful when we dress for ourselves.

I believe fashion can be art.


And with that I go back to my editing, and my attempts not to panic about how close June 1st is.

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